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We care for the environment, and we do so through promoting and implementing waste management’s  best practices. Our team is committed with the preservation of our planet. 

Our Strength

Our Strenght


To eradicate waste management’s wrong doings and practices by multiplying successful experiences in  various sizes and  through the implementation of the correct strategic actions that will impact the environment in a positive way in as much areas and regions as possible to reduce humanity’s  environmental footprint.

 Customized Solutions

We design and implement solutions based on each clients specific needs and context


Invest in the Future, Today

We promote sustainable models aiming to solve today’s needs without compromising the development of future generations.



Finance is finite. We continuously and actively generate in a collaborative way the solutions that will warrantee the viability or proyects  by thorough  study and analysis.


 Maximize Waste Reduction

We promote the strategic recovery and reuse of solid waste minimizing their impact on the environment.

Creating a Team

Millions worldwide survive in underdeveloped countries, including Mexico, by recovering and recycling useful materials that arrive daily to land fills , most of them actually, open air waste deposits that comply with NO standard. These people, either organized or by the group, conform a labor force that most of the time manage to handle larger volumes  than those of the recovered by the technical infrastructure installed, at least in Mexico. Nevertheless these people are subject to higher safety, security , illnesses and other  risks . In some cases they are not even guaranteed basic individual rights.. with the obvious impact in their quality of life. Som of these people even live inside the land fill  surroundings with the clear undesirable conditions.


At ProbechoSA we aim at a total disruption of these undesirable conditions through the impulse of initiatives of collaboration , inclusion , co participation and voluntary adhesion as formal labor force with all the basic conditions and legal rights. Allowing them, us as a company and society to recognize and value their very important  role .


Meet the Team



Juan Pablo Romero

  • Degree in Sociology by Universidad Iberoamericana . 1994

  • MBA at Instituto Panamericano de Alta Empresa (IPADE) 2001


  • Director of Resource Management at Secretariat Of Economic Development (SEDECO) in Mexico City. 2012-2016

  • Advisor for Mexico City’s Zero Waste Program through General Directorate of Urban Services. 2016-2017

  • Head of Grupo Romero for 22 years investing in real estate in various states in Mexico. 1990-2012

  • Founder & head of business development .  Ecogrupos de Mexico SA.1989-1994



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Rodrigo Atilano

  • Industrial Designer. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, 1991-1996

  • Studies in Information Management. Universidad de La Habana. Catedra UNESCO

  • PhD Candidate in Ecology and Environmental Management. Centro Universitario Bonpland & Humboldt


  • Technical Specialist in Waste Management with more than 25 years of experience leading in Mexico.

  • Director of Integral Waste Management at the Mexican Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)

  • Director-General of Urban Services for Mexico City, managing 12,500 ton/day of Solid Waste in Mexico City.

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Marcos Edid

  • BA in Quantitative Economics and Decision Sciences (University of California San Diego – UCSD) 1987-1991

  • PhD Candidate in Ecology and Environmental Management. Centro Universitario Bonpland & Humboldt


  • CFO GBC40: Company creating/regenerating Urban Developments on large scale cities and Waste Management Programs.

  • CFO Tania International: Catalogue salesforce of more than 100,000 active members and more than 120 stores in Mexico.

  • Sr. Board Member for Real Estate Investments in Mexico (commercial, hotel, resi construction).

  • PhD Candidate in Ecology and Environmental Management. Centro Universitario Bonpland & Humboldt

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